All the practicals informations about our cinemas and our exhibition areas to prepare your visit.
Visitors info
All information about the accessibility and safety of our cinema and exhibition rooms

The exhibition space has both a permanent exhibition on the history of cinema, as well as temporary exhibitions on various topics. All Expos are freely accessible (without a movie ticket!).

Groups & schools
A group activity at CINEMATEK is a joy for all ages. Motion pictures are ubiquitous today, yet film was only invented 125 years ago, in 1895. We tell the story of the science, technology and magic with which people move images through fascinating objects, adapted to each specific group. Have the unique experience of a silent film with live music, simply organize a private screening for your group, or choose from the workshops for young filmfans

Venue rental
CINEMATEK, the Royal Film Archive of Belgium, located in the heart of Brussels, offers an ideal space for events, conferences and receptions in a building designed by Victor Horta and characterized by austerity, purity and timelessness. Our rooms and our foyer can be rented and are equipped with the latest technology in digital projection, which makes it possible to organize various events such as film screenings or conferences.

Dec 6, 2024 > Feb 28, 2025
Ulrike Ottinger
Theatrum Mundi
Ulrike Ottinger, “the queen of Berlin’s underground”, is one of the pioneer figures of experimental cinema of post-war Germany in the 1970 and 80s. Ottinger’s artistic output extends far beyond film, encompassing theatre and opera productions, exhibitions, photography, painting, and artist book publications. As a filmmaker and camerawoman, she has crafted a complex oeuvre of both surrealist fictional films and ethnographic documentaries (of up to twelve hours), resonating greatly among queer-lesbian and postcolonial discourses of today.

Dec 14, 2023 > May 31, 2024
This winter we're inviting the graphic design studio La Villa Hermosa to revisit the legacy of Corneille Hannoset, the brilliant graphic designer and creator of the former cinema museum.

Jun 6, 2023 > Jun 22, 2023
The Afterimage Reader
Following the example of the publication The Afterimage Reader, and in collaboration with Courtisane, CINEMATEK proposes a cycle of a dozen sessions echoing this "politically and aesthetically revolutionary" periodical.

May 5, 2023 > May 25, 2023
Lucile Desamory
Posters Lucile Desamory
Cinéaste et artiste pluridisciplinaire, Lucile Desamory propose un cycle de projections à CINEMATEK. Pour accompagner les films choisis, elle a reproduit à la gouache des affiches de films, présentées dans le couloir menant aux salles de projections.

Nov 23, 2022 > Feb 22, 2023
Christian Châtel & Christl Lidl
Brussels Cinemas ‘Augmented’
Vanaf 23.11 kunt u in onze tentoonstellingsruimte de installatie Brussels Cinemas ‘Augmented’ van de beeldende kunstenaars Christian Châtel en Christl Lidl bezichtigen.

May 25, 2022 > Jun 20, 2022
Günter Peter Straschek
Militant Film and Film Emigration from Nazi Germany
The exhibition on Straschek at CINEMATEK gives the possibility to discover his films for the first time in Belgium, as well as films of other 1968 militant filmmakers who were close to him.

Mar 5, 2022 > Apr 18, 2022
Chantal Vey
Pier Paolo Pasolini
On March 5, 2022, CINEMATEK will celebrate the centenary of Pier Paolo Pasolini, the Italian genius who, with his multifaceted and gigantic oeuvre of films, literature and journalistic work, is still a relevant pedagogue and poet today.

Sep 15, 2021 > Feb 27, 2022
One hundred years ago, Jacques Ledoux was born. This autumn, we pay tribute to the man who shaped CINEMATEK to become both an institution that cannot be ignored at the international level and also a place of exchange where, every day, the adventure of the 7th art is carefully exhibited in the widest possible spectrum.

Jun 9, 2021 > Aug 31, 2021
Discover the life and work of Fernand Schirren (1920-2001) through personal objects, film footage and archival documents, including the recently published manuscript "Le pianiste accompagnateur de films muets".

Oct 10, 2020 > Oct 24, 2020
Eric de Kuyper
Theatrum Opticum Revived
De tentoonstelling toont vier kijkdozen, Peeping Boxes, van Eric de Kuyper, schrijver, experimenteel filmmaker en kunstcriticus.

Mar 14, 2020 > Apr 30, 2020
Floris Vanhoof
The Fluid Computer
Kunstenaar Floris Vanhoof wil stilstaan bij onze collectie media-archeologische objecten in de Wunderkammer. In deze tentoonstelling vult hij de vitrines van de permanente collectie aan met zijn eigen fossielenverzameling, om zo de prehistorie van cinema in perspectief te zien met onze eigen prehistorie.