Close Up on Kiarostami

The screening of his first feature film The Report will be followed by a panel conversation about this film, the filmmaker and the broader Iranian context.

En collaboration avec ⁄ In samenwerking met

Saturday 26.10 19:00 LEDOUX Cart

Lectures, introductions, workshops...
Close Up on Kiarostami : Cinemaximiliaan

The Report
  • Abbas Kiarostami, Iran ⁄ Shohreh Aghdashloo, Kurosh Afsharpanah ⁄ color ⁄ 112' ⁄ ST - OND: EN

Saturday 26.10 21:30 LEDOUX Cart

Lectures, introductions, workshops...
Close Up on Kiarostami : Cinemaximiliaan


Close Up on Abbas Kiarostami
  • Cinemaximiliaan ⁄  EN ⁄   90

Since the Islamic revolution in 1979, a strict political regime effected Iranian cinema by imposing a strong censorship which forced filmmakers to adapt their work. Probably the most internationally acclaimed director who gained international fame during this period is Abbas Kiarostami. Based on his early pre-Islamic revolution work, this symposium takes a look at Kiarostami’s artistic evolution and the broader context of The Report during the last years before the revolution. This film is not just a film but a critical commentary on the individual's struggle against systemic constraints. Its power lies in the raw, unadorned depiction of everyday life, a hallmark of his later masterpieces.

Conversation in English between Rola Zamzameh (journalist and filmmaker), Gawan Fagard (scolar) and Maryam K. Hedayat (filmmaker).