The new CINEMATEK program for young cinephiles! Whether big or small, movies make us laugh, cry, or shiver; they amaze us, surprise us, and make us think. Films allow us to experience thousands of stories, from here to faraway places where different languages are spoken, but where emotions are always universal.
This spring, CINEMA’KET invites you (almost) every Sunday to experience films that explore the world from a frog’s-eye view. Our cinema screens become both a microscope—allowing you to study the fascinating world around us—and a shrinking machine, revealing the tiniest creatures hiding in our homes, backyards, and even within our own bodies.
As we gear up for the JEF Festival 2025, where we will celebrate the 90th anniversary of Donald Duck, CINEMA’KET is traveling across Flanders with special screenings of our original prints of classic Donald Duck films. Get ready for a festive and nostalgic journey with everyone’s favorite feisty duck!

Sunday 30.03 15:00 LEDOUX Cart
Miniature : CINEMA'KET
- Don Bluth, Gary Goldman, USA 1994 ⁄ color ⁄ 86' ⁄ V: FR ⁄ ST - OND: —
- From 8 years

Sunday 30.03 15:15 PLATEAU Cart
Miniature : CINEMA'KET
- Don Bluth, Gary Goldman, USA 1994 ⁄ color ⁄ 86' ⁄ ST - OND: FR - NL
- From 8 years

Sunday 13.04 15:00 LEDOUX Cart
Miniature : CINEMA'KET
Arrietty: Le petit monde des chapardeurs
The Secret World of Arrietty
Karigurashi no Arietti
- Hiromasa Yonebayashi, Japan 2010 ⁄ color ⁄ 95' ⁄ ST - OND: FR - NL
- From 9 years

Sunday 13.04 15:15 PLATEAU Cart
Miniature : CINEMA'KET
Arrietty: Le petit monde des chapardeurs
Karigurashi no Arietti
- Hiromasa Yonebayashi, Japan 2010 ⁄ color ⁄ 95' ⁄ V: FR ⁄ ST - OND: —
- From 9 years
Arrieti est une petite adolescente qui vit cachée dans un manoir avec sa famille. Personne ne sait qu'ils sont là, jusqu'à ce que Arrieti se lie d'amitié avec un garçon beaucoup plus grand qu'elle. La relation entre les deux pourrait mettre en danger toute la famille.

Sunday 20.04 15:00 LEDOUX Cart
Miniature : CINEMA'KET
L’Aventure intérieure
- Joe Dante, USA 1987 ⁄ Dennis Quaid, Martin Short, Meg Ryan ⁄ color ⁄ 117' ⁄ ST - OND: FR - NL
- From 8 years

Sunday 20.04 15:15 PLATEAU Cart
Miniature : CINEMA'KET
L’Aventure intérieure
- Joe Dante, USA 1987 ⁄ Dennis Quaid, Martin Short, Meg Ryan ⁄ color ⁄ 119' ⁄ V: FR ⁄ ST - OND: —
- From 6 years
Le pilote d'essai Tuck Pendleton se porte volontaire pour participer à une expérience miniature et se retrouve accidentellement dans le corps d'un employé de supermarché névrosé.

Sunday 11.05 15:00 LEDOUX Cart
Miniature : CINEMA'KET
Les Voyages de Gulliver
Gulliver’s Travels
- Dave Fleischer, USA 1939 ⁄ color ⁄ 76' ⁄ V: FR ⁄ ST - OND: —
- From 6 years

Sunday 18.05 15:00 LEDOUX Cart
Miniature : CINEMA'KET
- Eric Darnell, Tim Johnson, USA 1998 ⁄ color ⁄ 82' ⁄ ST - OND: FR - NL
- From 8 years

Sunday 25.05 15:00 LEDOUX Cart
Miniature : CINEMA'KET
Arthur en de Minimoys
Arthur and the invisibles
Arthur et les Minimoys
- Luc Besson, France 2006 ⁄ Freddie Highmore, Mylene Farmer, Mia Farrow ⁄ color ⁄ 103' ⁄ ST - OND: FR - NL
- From 9 years

Sunday 25.05 15:15 PLATEAU Cart
Miniature : CINEMA'KET
Arthur and the invisibles
Arthur et les Minimoys
- Luc Besson, France 2006 ⁄ Freddie Highmore, Mylene Farmer, Mia Farrow ⁄ color ⁄ 103' ⁄ V: FR ⁄ ST - OND: —
- From 9 years

Sunday 16.03 15:00 LEDOUX Cart
Miniature : CINEMA'KET
De avonturen van de Smurfen
Les Aventures des Schtroumpfs
- Eddy Ryssack, Maurice Rosy, Belgium 1965 ⁄ Marion, Nelly Beghin, Jacques Courtois, Richard Muller, Jeanine Cherel, Paul Roland ⁄ B&W ⁄ 86' ⁄ ST - OND: NL
- From 6 years

Sunday 23.03 15:00 LEDOUX Cart
Miniature : CINEMA'KET
Chérie, j’ai rétréci les gosses
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids
- Joe Johnston, USA 1989 ⁄ Rick Moranis, Marcia Strassman, Amy O'Neill ⁄ color ⁄ 93' ⁄ ST - OND: FR - NL
- From 8 years
CANCELLED Due to the illness of our projectionist, all of today's screenings have been cancelled. Refunds are available from the box office or you can make a request to: Our apologies for the inconvenience.