Whisky Galore!
Whisky à gogo
Whisky bij de vleet!

Alexander Mackendrick, united kingdom 1949, Basil Radford, Joan Greenwood, James Robertson Justice

black and white ⁄ 81' ⁄ SUBS : FR-NL

Whisky Galore! / Whisky à gogo / Whisky bij de vleet!

Alexander Mackendrick, united kingdom 1949, Basil Radford, Joan Greenwood, James Robertson Justice

black and white ⁄ 81' ⁄ SUBS : FR-NL

Whisky galore 1 Mackendrick Whisky galore 2 Mackendrick Whisky galore 3 Mackendrick Whisky galore 4 Mackendrick Whisky galore 5 Mackendrick