SOIRÉE SPÉCIALE – Cabines hybrides, opérateurs nomades
The transition to digital technology in movie theaters has been completed, operator training is disappearing, and automation and remote control have become standard practice in cinema operation over the last 15 years.
Nevertheless, there is an increasing number of cultural structures outside of commercial distribution and also outside of archive networks that wish to include heritage programming in their activities. This evening proposes a discussion about contemporary projection booths and the challenges of projection itself, especially for archival films. A first roundtable will discuss technical installations and the (re)activation of projection booths, while a second roundtable will address the technical needs of collections and archives for the circulation of their films. The discussions will be accompanied by short films, and the evening will close with a feature film which deliberately leaves the choice of assembling its reels up to the projectionist.
This event is organized with the participation of Deniz Erdem (projectionist and researcher, Brussels) and follows the projection workshop which will take place in CINEMATEK with the support of ACE (The Association of European Cinematheques) and FIAF (International Federation of Film Archives).
Vrijdag 08.11 17:00 LEDOUX Cart
SOIRÉE SPÉCIALE – Cabines hybrides, opérateurs nomades
Accueillir ou (re)activer une cabine de projection
- CINEMATEK ⁄ 120'
With Jean-Louis Gérard (technician, installer of projection booths, Aarschot), Erwin van ‘t Hart (projectionist and programmer, Rotterdam/Brussels) and Jean Pierre Verscheure (technician, collector and historian of cinema techniques, Mons).
Vrijdag 08.11 19:30 LEDOUX Cart
SOIRÉE SPÉCIALE – Cabines hybrides, opérateurs nomades
Exigences techniques des archives de films
- CINEMATEK ⁄ 90' ⁄ FR
Avec la participation de Georges Bildgen (Cinémathèque Luxembourg), Catherine Cormon (Eye Filmmuseum, Amsterdam) et Arianna Turci (CINEMATEK, Bruxelles).
Vrijdag 08.11 21:30 LEDOUX Cart
SOIRÉE SPÉCIALE – Cabines hybrides, opérateurs nomades
Autrement, la Molussie
- Nicolas Rey, Frankrijk 2012 ⁄ Peter Hoffmann ⁄ kleur ⁄ 81' ⁄ OND: FR
Gevangenen in de denkbeeldige fascistische staat Molussië vertellen elkaar verhalen over de buitenwereld, als fabels met politieke en filosofische implicaties. Het verhaal is gebaseerd op fragmenten uit De catacombe van Molussië, een Duitse roman geschreven tussen 1932 en 1936 door Günther Anders.
Voorstelling ingeleid door Nicolas Rey (regisseur).