Close Up on Kiarostami

The screening of his first feature film The Report will be followed by a panel conversation about this film, the filmmaker and the broader Iranian context.

En collaboration avec

Samedi 26.10 19:00 LEDOUX Cart

Close Up on Kiarostami

The Report
  • Abbas Kiarostami, Iran ⁄ Shohreh Aghdashloo, Kurosh Afsharpanah ⁄ couleur ⁄ 112' ⁄ ST: EN

Le premier long métrage de Abbas Kiarostami montre la vie d’un percepteur d’impôts à Téhéran, aux prises avec des crises personnelles et professionnelles. Ce récit, apparemment simple, aborde des thèmes complexes tels que l’angoisse existentielle, les pressions sociétales et les dilemmes moraux, reflétant le paysage sociopolitique de l’Iran à l'époque avant la révolution islamique.

Samedi 26.10 21:30 LEDOUX Cart

Since the Islamic revolution in 1979, a strict political regime effected Iranian cinema by imposing a strong censorship which forced filmmakers to adapt their work. Probably the most internationally acclaimed director who gained international fame during this period is Abbas Kiarostami. Based on his early pre-Islamic revolution work, this symposium takes a look at Kiarostami’s artistic evolution and the broader context of The Report during the last years before the revolution. This film is not just a film but a critical commentary on the individual's struggle against systemic constraints. Its power lies in the raw, unadorned depiction of everyday life, a hallmark of his later masterpieces.

Conversation in English between Rola Zamzameh (journalist and filmmaker), Talheh Daryanavard (filmmaker) and Maryam K. Hedayat (filmmaker).