Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?

Robert Aldrich, united states of america 1962, Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, Victor Buono

NB ⁄ 134'

Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?

Robert Aldrich, united states of america 1962, Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, Victor Buono

NB ⁄ 134'

Bette Davis, en ex-star enfant décatie, et tortionnaire de sa sœur infirme. Aux lisières du film d'horreur, une œuvre paroxystique d'une étouffante perversion.

What ever happened to baby jane 9 Aldrich What ever happened to baby jane 1 Aldrich What ever happened to baby jane 2 Aldrich What ever happened to baby jane 3 Aldrich What ever happened to baby jane 4 Aldrich What ever happened to baby jane 5 Aldrich What ever happened to baby jane 6 Aldrich What ever happened to baby jane 7 Aldrich What ever happened to baby jane 8 Aldrich